Annual conference on solar & storage

Decci became a general sponsor of the 4th edition of the international conference on Solar & storage, which was held on the 16th 4. of April 2019 in Prague.
This year’s conference focused on the Czech and European legislation in the field of solar energy and on the trending areas such as energy storage, digitisation or e-mobility.


On this occasion, representatives of the European Commission, guests from the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic together with guests from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, representatives of the CEZ Group, nuclear energy, a member of the council of the Energy Regulatory Office and experts from the corporate sphere met together to discuss the optimal energy mix of the country and the position of solar energy among other conventional and unconventional sources of energy.
Mr Richard Brabec, Minister of the Environment, opened the conference and presented the programme. The first part of the conference focused on the European legislation and the national climate goals followed by a discussion about the future energy mix of the Czech Republic.
The afternoon panel discussed the progress of accumulation, e-mobility and new trends in the solar energy.
At the end of the conference, the representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the State Energy Inspection introduced the matter of “The impacts of the amendment of the Energy Act and the Renewable Energy Act on the solar sector.”


Decci appreciated the open dialogue led by the participants not only about the current situation, but also about the future development of the renewable energy sector and the role of solar energy in the energy mix of the Czech Republic. Regular meetings and open dialogues among state, banking, science and business representatives are key to the stability and development of the energy sector, as well as establishing the right energy mix.
We would like to thank all conference participants for their attendance and valuable contributions. We believe that next year’s conference will build on this one’s success!

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Jsme DECCI. Vytváříme infrastrukturu pro neomezenou energii.

DECCI je energetická skupina, která je jedním z průkopníků odvětví obnovitelných zdrojů v České republice.

Od svého počátku vnímáme důležitost inovativních energetických řešení a jejich integraci do našeho každodenního života.

DECCI je energetická společnost se specializací na na velké energetické celky. Jsme jedním z průkopníků odvětví obnovitelných zdrojů v České republice.

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