Creating future energy infrastructure

To achieve energy self-sufficiency

Constructing, operating and servicing large energy infrastructure

All-in-one energy solutions

DECCI: Unlimited Energy

DECCI is a leader and pioneer of the renewable energy industry in the Czech Republic.

From the very beginning, Decci has understood the importance of innovative energy solutions and their integration into the daily life of individuals, businesses, and most importantly, local communities.

Decci builds, manages and monitors photovoltaic power plants under the FVE CZECH trademark. Each site includes a set of technical solutions, designs, operation manuals and control systems for the operation of photovoltaic power plants.

Established in 2007

Pioneering renewable energy in the Czech Republic

Constructing solar power plants under the trademark FVE CZECH

Cooperating with a team of professionals at the Czech Technical University in Prague (ČVUT)

Direct ownership of all solar power plants

Providing complex energy solutions from solar plant design and construction to maintenance and operation

Partners and Associations

Partner banks



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Our Social Responsibility

We care about the environment and our society. As we build a better future through our focus on energy self-sufficiency, we want to also help our local communities right now by assisting those who are in need. That is why  over the years we have become a partner in many socially responsible projects.

Company News & Press Releases

Jsme DECCI. Vytváříme infrastrukturu pro neomezenou energii.

DECCI je energetická skupina, která je jedním z průkopníků odvětví obnovitelných zdrojů v České republice.

Od svého počátku vnímáme důležitost inovativních energetických řešení a jejich integraci do našeho každodenního života.

DECCI je energetická společnost se specializací na na velké energetické celky. Jsme jedním z průkopníků odvětví obnovitelných zdrojů v České republice.

Řešení FVE pro firmy

Realizujeme všechny typy instalací na průmyslové, zemědělské objekty, hotely, carporty apod.

Řešení FVE pro domácnosti

Ideální řešení fotovoltaiky na střechách pro domácnosti. Včetně dotace Nová zelená úsporám.